A personal safety alarm is a small, wearable device with a built-in call button and 2-way speaker that connects you to a 24/7/365 monitoring center whenever help is needed.
How Does it Work?
1.An alert is sent either by pressing the alarm button OR if activated by Fall Detection sensors within the device.
2.Our 24/7/365 Emergency Monitoring Center responds in seconds.
3.Built-in GPS locates the wearer even if they are unable to communicate.
4.The Emergency Monitoring Center secures appropriate help in seconds (EMT, police, fire department, co-worker, friend, family—whoever is needed).
emergency alert buttons are ideal for:

Transportation Workers

Warehouse/Factory Workers

Chemical Plant Workers

Hazardous Materials Workers/
Laboratory Workers

Fire Safety Workers

Parking Lot Attendants

Certain industries and professions have the potential to be dangerous at times. A safety backup plan is a wise and priceless decision.
Personal button alarms may be worn as pendants around the neck or on a belt clip. Once an alarm is sent, communication takes place through a 2-way speaker built into the button itself.
If the wearer is able to communicate, whatever help requested will be sent. This includes EMTs, police, fire department, co-workers, friends, family, etc. If the wearer is unable to communicate, our Emergency Monitoring Center will send emergency services immediately, unless an alternative request has been placed with us.
Our (optional) Fall Detection feature means alerts are automatically sent to our Emergency Monitoring Center if a fall is detected by built-in sensors within the button alarm. Through the built-in speaker, we will ask if you need help. We will send whatever assistance you request. If you are unable to respond, we will dispatch emergency services, unless an alternative directive has been given to us.
The alarm pendant should be worn throughout the work shift. It has a long battery life and only needs to be charged in its cradle for 2-3 hours per week. These rechargeable batteries last for several years.
ResponseLINK personal emergency alarms are water-resistant and can even be worn in the shower, although they should not be submerged underwater.
Our devices also feature built-in GPS that operates off 30+ navigational satellites. Even if wearers are unable to communicate their location, the emergency alarm’s GPS will surface that critical information so help may be dispatched immediately.
With ResponseLINK Personal Safety Alarms, help is at your fingertips.
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